

My name is Naan Moreira Lorena, and I'm 17 years old. I'm a student in IFRJ- Campus Eng. Paulo de Frontin, making a technic course about informatic for internet. My objective is to become a full-stack developer and work on IT area.


Lume Project

This project was created with the intention of being the last work of my school group. We decided to make a big project until the end of our last year in school, and we had the idea of do an Institutional website for our school.

First Website

This was my first website. I did it at school, with my teacher's help. He gave for the class a template of a site, and halp us to modify the HTML and CSS to customize the site with our informations.

Website Test

This was the first time that I tried to do a website by myself. I learned many things with this project, and it was my portifolio for a long time until I do this.

School Project

This website was created with one of my friends for a school project. Was my first contact with JavaScript language. Our mission was make a forms with JavaScript and HTML.